Hemp Oil: Is It Really Ok for Dogs?

Dogs, just like people, are often faced with chronic illness, stress, seizures, and arthritis, to name a few ailments. As a result, pet owners often look for ways to deal with these issues.

Hemp oil has gotten some recognition as a natural alternative that may have some efficacy when it comes to reducing pain, discomfort, and anxiety in dogs. Pet owners have reported improvement in anxiety, seizures, pain, and arthritis in their dogs. As a result, there has been an increase in the use of hemp oil as a possible solution for discomfort and illness in dogs. 

What Is Hemp Oil?

Hemp is a part of the cannabis Sativa family and one of the fastest-growing plants on earth. Hemp oil is derived from the seeds of this plant. It’s believed to have a calming effect on the nerves therefore reducing stress, discomfort, inflammation, and pain. It’s also been known to decrease the frequency of seizures. Its calming benefits have been also been reported to help dogs sleep at night. Hemp oil is TSA approved as long as it is produced within the regulations defined by the 2018 Farm Bill. This bill federally legalized hemp and hemp derivatives. However, the results reported are largely anecdotal and haven’t been verified through research that would allow the veterinary community to confidently verify the benefits and risks of hemp oil for dogs.

Hemp Oil for Dogs?

Hemp oil has been used to treat pain, arthritis, cognitive dysfunction, seizures, anxiety, and inappetence. Some pet owners have reported a reduction in anxiety and pain as a result of using hemp oil. Pet owners should note that there’s no way to guarantee consistent levels of THC present in hemp products for dogs. 

How Is Hemp Oil Administered and How Frequently is it given?

Hemp oil is administered sublingually under the tongue. It is usually absorbed in twenty to forty minutes. The oil is able to enter the bloodstream, bypassing the liver and digestive system. It may take some time to figure out how frequently hemp oil should be given to your dog. Many pet owners administer hemp oil once every eight hours and begin with no more than two doses daily. In essence, observing your dog’s behavior is the best way to determine how frequently hemp oil may be administered. 

Risks Associated with Hemp Oil?

Possible risks associated with hemp include intrinsic toxic agents in the plant. This also includes species-specific adverse reactions. Interactions with other medications as well as toxicity from pesticides and other contaminants and adulterants may also present risk factors.


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