Dog Training Obedience Teaches Buster Good Manners

How can dog training obedience classes help your dog? If you’ve ever encountered a dog with bad manners you will know that controlling this type of dog is almost impossible. This is especially problematic with larger breeds that may steal food, fail to come when called, chew and bite things or bark non-stop. All dogs regardless or size or stature need four things from us to become a really well balanced, behaved dog: Leadership, Socialization, Exercise and Job. We will cover this topics and write some basic dog training obedience tips.

Basic dog obedience training

Dog training obedience guide

Many dogs don’t know the basics of good manners and this is pretty normal and we shouldn’t be surprised (even people sometimes don’t behave well, so…). This is pretty normal for puppies too. That’s why we should “show” our puppies how to have a good behavior by training them. Shouting, smacking or putting your dog out of the house, won’t help your dog. Simple dog training obedience classes will! This is a fact! Before you reach the end of your tether, consider teaching your dog the basics of obedience. Here, we will tell you something important. Never send your boisterous dog to the pound before giving him the chance to shape up.

Good dog training obedience classes can transform your dog into a well-behaved canine and will help you to keep him safe as well as creating calm in your home. A well-trained dog is a happy dog. The first thing you should check is whether you dog mastered the dog training basics. Obedience training can teach your pet how to obey you at any time, the basics of manners, how to do tricks, or even how to be a service dog for the blind or disabled.

Now lets pay more attention to dog essentials.

Dog Essentials


Control Environment – Have a dog wear leash in home only when supervised or use crate when dog cannot be supervised. Certain things need to be kept off limits until you have established you are higher up then your dog (bed, couch, bedrooms, etc.)

Control Interactions – don’t allow dog to demand attention by nudging your hands or jumping up. Don’t play every time your dog brings you a toy.

You must have them earn all interactions.

Setting Limits/Limit Carrying your small dog or puppy

Dogs are all about eye contact, touch and body language (this is just one of those amazing and important 10 proven methods for dog training). Dogs do what works. I do A, I get B. One of the dog training obedience principles is never to share affection, such as, petting and holding with a dog when they are hyper, jumping, growling, nervous or scared. This reinforces the behavior. Instead, redirect with the leash, take dog for a walk or distract.


Socialize with your dog

Get your dog used to all different people, noises and places. Do this while your dog is on leash and remember not to pet them if they are fearful or excited.

Make it no big deal and do it in short positive spurts. Get your dog socialized to other dogs outside of the home so they won’t become dog aggressive. When we are talking about puppy obedience training, we should say that if you have a smaller dog supervise interactions with larger dogs as they could, by their sheer size, inadvertently hurt a small dog by stepping on them or putting their paws on them. Also, some larger dogs can view small dogs as prey rather than another dog. In such cases you need to see some dog agility classes. So make sure the large dog is friendly and amenable to playing with your small dog. Again, this should be done under supervision only. Watch the dog parks.


All dogs need a good energy draining exercise. You need to walk your dog properly at a minimum of 30 minutes a day. Throwing a ball is great after a walk, but fetch or playing with another dog should never replace a good structured walk. An interesting fact is that an article in Forbes claim that an app can help your dog get in shape (You can read it here if you don’t believe).


All dogs need obedience training. Giving them a job through using your obedience commands will help relieve boredom/naughtiness. This will also teach self-control and give you a vocabulary you can use with your dog to reinforce house rules. You can then use these commands to encourage good dog behavior.
You can also check this interesting video that will show you how to teach your dogs the basic commands: Sit, Stay and Down.

Dog training obedience classes train you, not your dog!

You can train your dog at home or in a professional class, but remember that some dog training obedience classes train YOU not your dog! You will need to learn how to control your dog. Buster will need to be reminded throughout his life if he is to remain a good canine member of society. As said in one of my favorites, motivational and inspirational Huffington Post articles: Dog Training: A Little Effort Goes a Long Way, we learn till we die.

If this all sounds very far from your yapping, unruly canine, don’t despair. Many out-of-control dogs have responded well to dog training obedience classes! The trick lies in understanding how dogs learn. Dogs and puppies are not humans and have unique attitudes, voice, and body language. Each dog and puppy also has its own personality and disposition. Your dog may be stubborn, submissive, fearful, or dominant and this can make training difficult.

For example this great video with Gary Jackson will show give you some great tips and advice for Obedience Training for Dogs (this is a great start for some dog training classes):

How to start a dog training obedience?

You will need a collar, leash, patience and a sense of humor to train your dog. You will also need to understand how dogs behave and why. Reading books or going online (for example you can find here more good dog training tips) and do research is one way to learn the ins and outs of the doggie mind.

It is critical to be consistent in your approach to dog training obedience. You should stick to your dog training commands and standards no matter what the situation. If you allow your dog or puppy to disobey the rules sometimes and not others he will soon become confused and start to take advantage of your erratic approach. If your dog does not know how to behave it is your fault not his!

How to increase the effect of dog training obedience?

Dog training successful training

Next try to remember that dog training obedience classes should be fun for both you and your pet. These 5 best dog gifts can really inspire you choose a great present for your lovely pet. Pepper your sessions with plenty of games, praise and treats, This will help your dog to look forward to the session in much the same way as he loves his daily walk or run.

All your dog training obedience sessions should be useful in your dog’s daily life. So tailor your training to common situations both in the home and out and about. For example, sitting upon entering and leaving your home, getting in the car and behaving during the drive or sitting while you prepare his dinner – are good lessons to teach your pooch. You can also research for some extra dog obedience classes. I can also believe that those 45 Essential Dog Care Hacks that were shared on LifeHack can help a lot of pet owners make their dogs feel really happy and they will show that training a dog is pretty interesting and fun!

Just for fun – teach your dog to do some tricks during his sessions. He will simply love the praise, treats, and attention he gets when he entertains the whole family. Puppy training obedience is a great way to “describe” the puppies how they should behave in different situations. Also, remember that dog training obedience is for your dog as well as the whole family, so get everybody involved on a consistent schedule and watch your dog transform right before your eyes.

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